Follow These Furnace Maintenance Tips for a House That’s Toasty & Homey ![furnace maintenance Belleville Illinois]()
In Belleville, people know about harsh winters. In the Metro East Area, it’s not uncommon to experience blizzard conditions and ice storms that make your home the last line of defense against frigid and miserable conditions outdoors. Make sure you avoid any problems with a professional furnace maintenance company that knows how to prepare your home for the cold winter months ahead. They’ll provide the tune up your furnace needs and be able to offer helpful tips to keep it running strong. Otherwise, pay attention to these tips for furnace maintenance and winterizing your home for the coming freeze!
Fire Up Your Furnace
While your unit may have been running fine all summer long, it requires additional care to ensure its performance throughout the winter season. Calling a pro for a furnace tune-up is one step, but here are four ways you can get ready to fire ‘er up this season!
- Check Furnace Filter – This simple and all-important maintenance step keeps your unit from getting clogged with dust that robs it of efficiency.
- Remove Objects – Depending on where your furnace is inside the home, you’ll want to remove any objects that could be deemed flammable or combustible – just in case!
- Keep Vents Unobstructed – Ensure that warm air can flow freely throughout the home by removing objects that sit on-top-of or in-front-of your vents.
- Professional Tune-Up – There’s only one way to make sure your unit is operating at max. efficiency – call a professional like Morrison for a complete furnace tune-up.
Winterize Your Home![furnace repair Belleville Illinois]()
When it comes to winterizing your home, it’s not just up to a working furnace or heating system to keep you warm. In fact, your home may be inefficient in other ways, making these home winterization tips important to helping your furnace do its job properly.
- Weather Stripping – This is an easy way to cut down on drafts from the outdoors. Available at any local hardware, this is just as easy to install as it is to find.
- Fan Direction – Be sure your fans rotate clockwise to ensure warm air circulates throughout the rooms of your home.
- Seal Windows – Many times, warm air will escape through tiny cracks around your windows. Check for drafts and provide the proper sealant before the winter gets going.
- Inspect Insulation – Check the insulation of your home and bolster it where necessary to ensure the warm air stays inside where it belongs!
Luckily, Morrison is here to provide all the knowledge needed to keep all heating systems running at optimal levels. With the know how to fix gas and electric boilers, furnaces & heat pumps, you’ll be glad you know the pros at Morrison!