There is nothing worse than sitting in the sweltering heat of a Swansea, IL, summer with no air conditioning. Luckily you have a lot of options when it comes to air conditioning in your home, and some are very affordable and easy to install. If you’re not sure what type of A/C to buy for your home, here are some tips.
Window Air Conditioner
This is probably the most common type of air conditioner because window A/C units are extremely affordable and easy to install. Windows units sit in an open window and cool a single room. When you shop for a window air conditioner, you’ll see two important ratings: BTUs and the square footage that the A/C system is capable of handling.
The downside to this type of air conditioning is that it isn’t powerful enough to cool your entire home, so you will likely need a few units.
Split Air Conditioner
Split air conditioners are also used for cooling a portion of your home rather than all of it. There is one outdoor portion which has the condenser, compressor and expansion valve, and an indoor section with an evaporator coil and cooling fan.
Packaged Air Conditioner
Gaining popularity in recent years, packaged air conditioners have become more commonplace in both homes and businesses. Packaged air conditioners can cool multiple rooms in your home or a single large space. There are two types of packaged A/C systems: One features all the components in one box where cool air is sent to other rooms, and the other sends compressed gas to various rooms where an expansion valve and cooling coil use it to create cool air.
Central Air Conditioner
Central air conditioning is one of the most popular options for its cooling power and energy efficiency. These systems use a larger compressor which is capable of cooling larger areas than less powerful A/C systems.
A Second Opinion
Now that you know about all the different types of air conditioning, you can make your decision. If you need help deciding what type of air conditioning is best for your Swansea, IL, home, call the pros at Morrison Plumbing, Heating and Cooling at [theme_company_telephone]. We can help you figure out the best solution for your budget, number of rooms, room size and more.