How to know if you have main sewer line problems in O’Fallon, IL![main sewer line o'fallon il]()
As far as plumbing problems go, there’s nothing much worse than a main sewer line problem. Whether it’s a busted line or just a really bad clog, it can mean a call to your local plumbing professionals and costly repairs. Additionally, the problem only gets worse, and more costly, the longer that you let it go one without being fixed. But how are you supposed to know there’s a problem? Well, some things should be tipping you off to a problem in your system. Review the signs of a main sewer line problem and call the local plumbers when you have repairs that need to be done!
Slow Drains
One slow drain may not be a major cause for concern. However, if you notice slow drains in your kitchen, bathrooms, and laundry room, this is a red flag, and you should call a plumber right away. Slow drains mean there is already a major clog, or one is in the process of forming, meaning you only have so much time before the pipe bursts and you’re paying for major repairs.
Odor Problems
Notice a foul stench coming from your drains? Does it smell like gas or like something died in there? That’s probably the result of a buildup somewhere in your plumbing system. If you can smell it, it must be large enough to cause a problem. Don’t let strange smells continue without checking them out – call a local plumber for a video sewer inspection that can identify problems before they get too bad.
Sewage Backups![sewer line repair o'fallon il]()
A sewage backup means there’s a clog somewhere in your system. However, multiple sewage backups in different rooms mean the problem is bigger than you expected. If you have multiple toilets or drains that have backed up in your home, most likely, that means that your main sewer line is clogged and needs to be cleaned out before further damage is caused. Additionally, large clogs cause even bigger efficiency issues that will see your bills skyrocketing if you aren’t careful.
Bad Tasting Water
Does the taste of your water make you want to hold your nose while you gulp down your daily 64 ounces? This could be a major sign that something is wrong with your system. City water supplies are treated to kill bacteria and pathogens that could harm your health. While you may not love the taste of tap water, it shouldn’t make you want to lose your lunch.
Make Morrison Plumbing your choice for sewer line problems